Monday, March 9, 2009

Temperamental Platelets

It has been a roller coaster of a weekend, for the platelets anyway. After coming up to 15,000 on Friday they dropped again to 7,000 on Saturday. The doctors believe that surprisingly the Avastin (chemo) Dallas has been on since October may actually have caused the drops.

As of this morning his platelet count has risen to 15,000. They believe the increase is because they have taken him off of all meds and started administering steroids. When his counts reach 75,000 a new treatment path will be discussed and implemented. Hopefully sooner than later.

Poor Dallas seems to be bored out of his mind. He feels good and was finally allowed to go out for a walk yesterday but will not be released from the hospital until his counts reach 20,000. Dr. Smith (NO) seems to think that will be tomorrow or Wednesday if the rise continues. Until then he will have to occupy his time with episodes of Jerry Springer and Oprah.

That's all for now. Hopefully tomorrow will bring a post of hospital exodus.



arsenal87 said...

dally i love u buddy, i hope everything goes well, I will be praying for you man and i really mean that, and get some episodes of the office in there too mane, aight peace

arsenal87 said...

dally i love u buddy, i hope everything goes well, I will be praying for you man and i really mean that, and get some episodes of the office in there too mane, aight peace