Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Hi Everyone!

Dallas has completed his second round of chemo and will receive his second batch of stem cells today. This time around has been harder on him. He's experienced daily bouts of nausea, doesn't have much of an appetite, and sleeps quite a bit. These side effects will lessen soon and I know he'll be feeling much better by the weekend.

He should be released to the hotel tomorrow (Thursday). He's anxious to get out of here for awhile! His spirits are still good and he jokes alot (between naps).

More later.


1 comment:

r_ur_pets_fixed said...


Thank you so much for the updates! I'm sure that Mom and I aren't the only ones who anxiously wait for them. Mom asks me regularly if I've heard anything.

Man, what strong chemo - yuck! Not fun at all. Dallas, you have real guts to agree to do it in three week intervals.

My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.


P.S. The "r_ur_pets_fixed" name is one I use several places - then I don't have to remember a bunch of sign-in names!