Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Update: Dallas DuBose Memorial Fund

Dear Friends and Family,

This week, contributions to the Dallas DuBose Memorial Fund amounted to $575.00 bringing the total raised thus far to $6,086.44. We are close to achieving 25% of our annual goal of $25,000!

We'd like to mention that a portion of this weeks donations were made by Tri for Dallas. Tri for Dallas is a grassroots fundraising effort spearheaded by our niece Maggie and her husband, Kevin Kelly. Last fall, Maggie and Kevin participated in the Escape to Miami Triathlon in honor of Dallas and raised $275 for our worthy cause. They did this by requesting $5 sponsorships for their efforts. As Maggie put it, " For many of us that's about the same cost as a trip to Starbucks, but here your money will do so much more." As you can see from the list of families we've helped below, she was right. Thank you Maggie and Kevin for advancing our cause in your community.

Last week, your generous donations to Dallas' Fund made it possible for the Brain Tumor Foundation for Children to distribute $300 to another family of child fighting brain cancer. Thus far, we've been able to distribute $5,528.80 in assistance to 8 different families!

Here's what you made possible last week:


3/8/10--$ 300.00--Gift card and gas card; 6 yr-old diagnosed with anaplastic PNET 12/09; receiving chemo; completed 6 weeks daily radiation; father has custody and is primary caregiver; family relocated from Panama City to Gainesville due to child's treatment needs; father struggling with transportation and food costs.

Past distributions:

3/3/10--$1,588.36--Mortgage payment, water bill, car payment & car insurance; 4-yr-old diagnosed with anaplastic ependymoma 12/09; tumor progression 2/10; receiving chemo; family has many medical bills because patient had no insurance at the time of diagnosis.

2/22/10--$2,000.00--Property Insurance; 24-yr-old diagnosed w/ glioneuronal tumor 3/09; receiving chemo; patient recently graduated college; parents purchased COBRA insurance plan for patient; additional expense caused great hardship for family

2/26/10--$300.00--Gas cards; 12-yr-old diagnosed w/ JPA 7/07; tumor progression 8/09; receiving chemo; in clinic wkly; maternal grandfather is primary caregiver; lives approx 230 mi/round trip from hospital

2/26/10--$240.97--Electric bill; 7-yr-old diagnosed w/ oligodendrogliomatosis 11/04; tumor progression 8/09; receiving chemo; patient not yet able to attend school; mom is primary caregiver & unable to work; dad is working day labor when possible as he looks for full time employment

2/26/10--$600.00--Gas card & grocery card; 11-yr-old diagnosed w/ brain stem glioma 11/09; receiving chemo; traveling 480 mi/round trip for treatment; will start radiation soon and will then have to stay in Jacksonville for 4-6 wks of daily treatment; add'l travel expenses causing financial hardship

2/26/10--$300.00--Gas card; 10-yr-old diagnosed w/ germinoma 1/10; receiving inpatient chemo; father's is only income; mom primary caregiver; traveling approx 480 mi/round trip for treatment; preparing for 6 wk stay in Jacksonville for radiation; travel expenses creating great hardship

2/26/10--$199.47--Water bill; 18-yr-old diagnosed w/ anaplastic astrocytoma 10/08; tumor progression 8/09; receiving chemo; patient just completed stem cell transplant; guardian/sister unable to work while patient on treatment

Again, thank you so much for your generosity and efforts! As you can see, it doesn't take much to have a tremendous impact in the life of a child. Please keep spreading the word.


Shel DuBose
Jessica DuBose
Larry DuBose
David DuBose
